Shakespeare Boy Names
William Shakespeare has a name for any personality with 37 plays full of characters. Oliver is a boy's version of Olivia, meaning "olive tree." Click here to see more Shakespearean names.
- Salerio
- Salisbury
- Sandys
- Saturninus
- Say
- Scales
- Scarus
- Scroop
- Sempronius
- Servilius
- Seyton
- Shallow
- Shrewsbury
- Shylock
- Sicinius
- Silence
- Silius
- Simonides
- Simple
- Siward
- Snare
- Snout
- Snug
- Solanio
- Somerset
- Somerville
- Speed
- Stafford
- Starveling
- Strato
- Suffolk
- Surrey
- Stephano
- Shadow
- Sly
- Shaw
- Sampson
- Stanley
- Stephen
- Simon