

Name Meaning

If fearlessness is a trait you want your bouncing baby boy to have, the name Daniel may be the way to go. The biblical prophet and writer of the Book of Daniel was a teenager when taken to Babylon after the destruction of Jerusalem. He survived two death sentences: a lions den and a fiery furnace. Then there’s intrepid American explorer Daniel Boone who was one of the first people to go west of the Appalachian mountains.


Hebrew, Mexican, Islamic


Biblical, Exotic, Surname, Popular, Middle




Danylko, Dan

Famous Namesakes

Actor Daniel Day-Lewis, Actor Daniel Radcliffe, Actor Danny DeVito, Actor Danny Aiello, Frontiersman Daniel Boone

Celebrity Babies

Son of Anna Nicole Smith, Son of Dan Rather, Son of Natasha Richardson and Liam Neeson, Son of Patricia Heaton and David Hunt, Son of Anna Nicole Smith, Son of Dan Rather, Son of Natasha Richardson and Liam Neeson, Son of Patricia Heaton and David Hunt

Popularity in 2019


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